Me :3

My photo
A Chinese girl, who is usually mistaken for another race, living in a small peaceful country, Brunei. I can be very patriotic at time and despite the absence of nightlife in the country, I love our Brunei to bits! Keep reading my blogs if you wanna keep up with me and life! x P.S. I like reading food labels and their nutrition facts.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Cows and Cheeseburgers

I wanted to update my blog so I went to ask a 'professional' for help on what I should blog about. As you can see on the post title, it's gonna be about cows and cheeseburgers. They're probably two of the things that's keeping him alive till now :P

You see, cows are these creature that keeps the world going, just like how they keep the 'professional'. Without them, most of us would be no less similar to the walking dead.

Beef patties would not exist. A mere chicken cheeseburger or any kind of cheeseburgers wouldn't be able to
satisfy the craving of those rabid homosapiens. Crime satistics will rise dramatically and roit outbreaks will be frequent. The world will experience no moment of peace and everyone will live in fear. Eventually, Condemntion.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Nyappie B'day CHAI!!!

Wish you a happy happy b'day! and i know you díd. We, all your friends, knew that you did.

The party you had was a SUCCESS!! soo much fun~ and you know what the best part is? you actually dance :)

hope to see you soon again. If we ever bump into each other in the future, I will sure remember you.

again, happy b'day to the man who always looks good, Chai.


Tuesday, January 6, 2009


so it had been ages since my last update. hmm.... lemme see, what should I write about now?

Oh right! my video! Remember the vid I was talking about on Christmas? Kisana had help me uploaded the vid on the internet. But unfortunately not in Blogger. It's in Facebook ^^ I have to say I am really grateful to her. Like really! so Kisana-chan~ I hereby thank you for your uhh... generousity? or kindness? sorry but I don't know what's the proper word to use. You are a great friend and I owe you. Not just for this, but also for more other things. I'm glad our class teacher changed my seat and made me sat next to Hiroki and you next to Jun.


Oh yea, since it's a new year, i plan to change alot of stuff (although that's what I think every start of a new year, but I never actually try to. All thanks to my lazyness -__- *die you sloth* ZOMG!! I just realise that I have been commiting a sin. Gosh~)

Things to do since it's ANOTHER new year:

1. Redecorate my room

  • I plan on getting a rug for my floor
  • a proper curtain (yes my curtain is improper right now, it's supported by the window)
  • new table cloth for my study table. It's all torn and everything. My mama was wondering if I had tore and chew them 'cause I was hungry ( I know it's weird. Why would a study table need a table cloth? I'm sure you've never seen or heard of that before.)
  • a bookshelf for my books.
  • new bedsheets. and maybe pillows too~ :3
  • also need a new chair. Propably...

2. Save up money for my room.

so yea... thats 2 of the major things I need to complete for now.

Till then.