Me :3

My photo
A Chinese girl, who is usually mistaken for another race, living in a small peaceful country, Brunei. I can be very patriotic at time and despite the absence of nightlife in the country, I love our Brunei to bits! Keep reading my blogs if you wanna keep up with me and life! x P.S. I like reading food labels and their nutrition facts.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

4th day of the 8th month of the 9th year of the 2nd A.D. Millennium

WOO HOOO! Guess what happened to me today :D

I got lectured/ scolded by my older brother T_T

He waited for my for almost half an hour in school during the hottest hour of the day so he could take me home but unfortunately I didn't see him >.<

GAHHH He should have come out of the car :(

and and and it was so excruciatingly hot today! Gomenasai bro!

(In my defense, his car is gray coloured. So camouflaged by the gray road)

Later on, I had to rush to the nearby library after taking my shower and some research because I had to copy EXACTLY, said sir Naeem, an opening to two novel written by classic authors for my English class like Stephen King's and Jane Austen or something.

So, I decided on Dan Brown's and Dean Koontz's. Digital Fortress and The Face respectively. I'm not sure whether they're good enough or not though...

Alright, laters!


chewyming said...

jane austen what? pride & prejudice? hahaha~ anyway~ wb to xPPP

Ziaowei said...

ahhahhaha, I've been busy and so have you ^^