Me :3

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A Chinese girl, who is usually mistaken for another race, living in a small peaceful country, Brunei. I can be very patriotic at time and despite the absence of nightlife in the country, I love our Brunei to bits! Keep reading my blogs if you wanna keep up with me and life! x P.S. I like reading food labels and their nutrition facts.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Hilarious and Priceless~

It was English language class and I sitting next to KaoCHO. I wanted to borrow a stationary, I think... Or was it something else? Can't really remember.
Anyways, she was like "That's th.. HICK!! *hiccups in high pitch*"
Then I quickly turned away from her. HAHHAHAHHAHHAH!!! LAUGHED MY ASS OFF!! It was freakin' funny!
The teacher was standing under my nose and asked in a serious tone "Gensou- san, what's so funny?"
XD hahahah I couldn't resist! The hiccup just sounded reeeeaaaaallllly funny. Especially if it was coming from KaoCHO. I had never hear her burp nor hiccup before. HONESTLY x___x So i ignore the teacher and continued laughing at a lower amplitude. My other friends were probably wondering why I was laughing or had I gone insane O___O

Well, I was bored this morning in school during Break time. Still sitting around next to KaoCHO where Sarah and "abc"(not going to reveal the name) was standing in front of me. Of course, when I was talking to them, I have to look up. So my hands were 'itchy'. I pulled abc's skirt and it went half way down across her butt XD I didn't know that it was that loose! Because my skirt won't go down no matter how hard you pull it. Guess she was that thin huh? Good thing she was wearing shorts. Black ones to be more specific.
She told me that that wasn't the first time I pull down her skirt. It was the SECOND O___O Shocked. I did it before? I can't recall.
She said it I did it before last year and it was more embarrassing because it went half way down her legs. YES!! HALF WAY! Until the knee. If it was that embarrassing, I should have remember... It was a pity that forgot huh? heh~
Well, at least she made high school memories XD ahhahahaha and more events to add to her most embarrasing moment list. WOOT~!

Sorry abc! I didn't know it would come to this. However we laughed and were happy right?
Lesson of the day: Don't ever stand in front of me where I can have a lot of opportunities to disturb you when I'm bored. HAHAHA!

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